The other day Angela said there was going to be a "thing at Irwin Center for BLM" and she wanted to go and bring the baby to show support. That was the first I had heard of it but was all for going. Being the person I am I brought along my camera. Why not, it's in Homewood and I love my town plus I want pictures for my child to see and learn from. Silly me thinking my 24-70mm lens would be fine. I said I was going to walk home and grab another lens and walk back. Little did I know that the demonstration would be a march. I managed to catch up to Angela, our baby, and some friends around Family Video and then I ran ahead and caught the front of the group around Goodspeed. We marched with the group until around Walt's but had to turn back home to feed and do other baby things. That was the logistical part... the emotional part was different. When we first got to Ridge Road and heard everyone saying "SAY HIS NAME" and.. everything else I can't remember because I was able to hide behind the lens to keep my emotions in check I got a little dusty. I, Colin, am a bit of a softy. I wish there was a way for me to convey how I felt and still feel I don't have the words to share it. When we passed under the viaduct the echos and amplification just had to be experienced. I guess I don't really know what to say or how to say it. I work better in pictures. Please look through and love everyone who came out to show support. Hell, just love everyone! I am so proud of our community. Homewood and Flossmoor stands strong against racism and violence. Thank you to our wonderful village and police department for keeping everyone safe as we marched for the Black Lives Matters movement. We stand strong together.
Jun 6, 2020, 11:46:36 AM
Angela Thomas - Hi Betty, There were so many people there. We cut out early. We didn't realize it was a march. The group went from Irwin to HF high school, down Flossmoor Rd, into downtown Flossmoor, then went through Southgate past our studio. My friend said they walked over 7 miles. We cut out around Walts and headed back home with the baby. From pictures that I saw online, it looks like the crowd grew as they continued on. I do not have an estimate of what the final number of people involved ended up being, but there sure were a lot.
Jun 5, 2020, 6:30:03 PM
Elizabeth Stern - Hi Colin, I heard that that particular March was canceled, but then possibly reinstated. I guess it went off without a hitch ! about how many people would you say participated? And what was the route and how long did it last? Thanks a lot Betty Stern